3 physics lecturers receive research grants in 2023

Post date: 26/01/2023 - 11:04
Post date: 20/12/2022 - 08:23
Congratulations, two physics teams under the guidance of Mr. Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Ph. D. won 3 medals in the 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad which was held offline at the Actuarial Department, ITS Surabaya. This international level event will be held on 14-17 December 2022 and will be attended by 634 teams from 17 countries in the world. With each gain, they are:
1. The 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad Gold Medal in the Waste Treatment category and the 2022 Macedonia Special Award Medal were won by the C-Mask Team...
Post date: 18/12/2022 - 08:23
Apart from carrying out their duties on campus, lecturers also have a big responsibility to disseminate knowledge through a series of lecturer activities outside campus. One of the activities of lecturers at the FMIPA UNY physics study program is providing assistance to teachers in schools regarding the use of simulation learning media to prepare for the implementation of the independent curriculum in schools.
This activity was carried out as a form of collaboration with SMPIT/SMAIT Science Teachers under the auspices of the Yogyakarta Mulia Foundation (KYM) Consortium on Saturday,... -
Post date: 15/12/2022 - 08:23
The issue of global recession encourages all sectors to continue to innovate, especially as the world is currently experiencing a very rapid, dynamic change transition with high complexity, unpredictability and uncertainty in an era that we know as VUCA, namely Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.
The Physics study program, FMIPA UNY, showed the seriousness of this problem, so they took part by sending one of the Physics study program lecturers, Nur Kadarisman, M.Si, to participate in collaborative innovation activities. This activity was facilitated by Kedaireka who...
Post date: 12/12/2022 - 08:23
Monday 12 December 2022, the Physics Study Program held a Public Lecture with Alumni on the topic "Threats, Vulnerabilities, Disasters and Disaster Mitigation". This public lecture is aimed at students who take part in the Geophysics skills group, but not only that, other general students also have the opportunity to take part in this public lecture. In this public lecture, the material was delivered by alumni of the physics education study program, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Farid, M.S who is a professor in geophysics at Bengkulu University.
In his presentation, Prof Farid explained that...
Post date: 09/11/2022 - 08:23
Congratulations to the prospective graduates and female graduates of the FMIPA UNY Physics study program who are in the Judiciary in the November 2022 period. In the Judicial period on November 8, 2022, there are 8 students from the FMIPA UNY Physics study program who will graduate in the coming period. The prospective graduates are as follows:
1. Rachmad Widayanto (NIM. 18306141037), GPA 3.71 (with honors)
2. Rofikoh Annur (NIM. 18306144023), GPA 3.57 (with honors)
3. Wisnu Sugiarto (NIM. 18306141002), GPA 3.54 (with honors)
4. Nadila Ramandha (NIM. 18306144013),...
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