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Module Handbook
Code |
Courses |
Module Handbook |
Semester 1 |
MKU6201 |
Islamic Education* |
MKU6202 |
Katolik Education* |
MKU6203 |
Kristen Education* |
MKU6204 |
Hindu Education* |
MKU6205 |
Budha Education* |
MKU6206 |
Konghucu Education * |
MKU6207 |
Civic Education |
MKU6212 |
Digital Transformation |
FMI6201 |
Studies of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
FMI6202 |
Statistics |
FSK6303 |
Multivariable Calculus for Physics |
FSK6209 |
Physical Measurement and Analysis |
Download |
FSK6309 |
Electrical Circuit Analysis |
FSK6414 |
Mechanics |
Semester 2 |
MKU6208 |
Pancasila Education |
MKU6209 |
Bahasa Indonesia |
MKU6211 |
English |
FSK6304 |
Differential Equations for Physics |
FSK6411 |
Analog Electronics |
FSK6215 |
Analytical Mechanics |
FSK6316 |
Vibrations and Waves |
FSK6317 |
Thermodynamics |
Semester 3 |
MKU6213 |
Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship |
MKU6216 |
Social Literacy and Humanity |
FSK6305 |
Linear Algebra for Physics |
FSK6312 |
Digital System |
FSK6218 |
Statistical Physics |
FSK6419 |
Electromagnetics |
FSK6222 |
Special Relativity |
FSK6324 |
Quantum Physics |
Semester 4 |
FSK6407 |
Computational Physics |
FSK6313 |
Sensor |
FSK6321 |
Optics |
Download |
FSK6225 |
Atomic Physics |
FSK6226 |
Nuclear Physics |
FSK6227 |
Solid State Physics |
FSK6228 |
Basic Colloidal Physics |
FSK6229 |
Fluid Mechanics |
FSK6231 |
Advanced Experimental Physics |
Download |
Semester 5 |
FSK6330 |
Research Methodology in Physics |
FSK6232 |
Physics Laboratory Assistance |
FSK6340 |
Measurement System* |
FSK6341 |
Microcontroller* |
FSK6344 |
Antenna* |
FSK6346 |
System and Signal* |
FSK6247 |
Crystallography* |
FSK6348 |
Semiconductor* |
FSK6251 |
Nano Physics* |
FSK6254 |
Chemical Physics* |
FSK6255 |
Advanced Colloidal Physics* |
FSK6256 |
Light Scattering Technology* |
FSK6358 |
Liquid Crystal* |
FSK6260 |
Laser* |
Download |
FSK6362 |
Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy* |
Download |
FSK6364 |
Reactor Physics* |
FSK6267 |
Radiobiology and Radiation Protection* |
FSK6268 |
Earth and Space Physics* |
FSK6270 |
Seismology* |
FSK6272 |
Meteorology and Climatology* |
FSK6274 |
Physics of Natural Hazards* |
Semester 6 |
FSK6342 |
Electronic Amplifier and Filter* |
FSK6343 |
Automation* |
FSK6345 |
Modulation* |
FSK6249 |
Semiconductor Fabrication and Characterization* |
FSK6250 |
Thin Film* |
FSK6252 |
Nanomaterials Characterization* |
FSK6353 |
Soft Condensed Matter* |
FSK6359 |
Monte Carlo Methods in Physics* |
FSK6261 |
Photonics* |
Download |
FSK6363 |
Biomedical Physics* |
FSK6265 |
Reactor Kinematics Experiment* |
FSK6366 |
Radiation Physics* |
FSK6269 |
Physical Geology* |
FSK6371 |
Geophysical Survey Methods* |
FSK6273 |
Astronomy* |
FSK6297 |
Philosophy of Physics* |
Semester 7 |
PKL6603 |
Internship |
MKU6614 |
Community Service |
Semester 8 |
FSK6801 |
Undergraduate Thesis |
- Pusat Layanan Terpadu
- Pusat Layanan Bahasa
- Pusat Layanan Perpustakaan
- Pusat Layanan Penerbitan
- Pusat Layanan Internasional dan Kemitraan
- Pusat Layanan Kesehatan Terpadu
- Pusat Layanan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
- Pusat Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling
- Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
- Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
Telepon dan fax (0274) 550847
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