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Welcome Dr. Mona Sari and Riza Ariyani Nur Khasanah, Ph.D. in the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA, UNY

Dr. Mona Sari, S.Pd.,M.Sc. and Riza Ariyani Nur Khasanah, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ph.D. are new lecturers at PTNBH Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in the first batch that was approved on 1 September 2023. They joined the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) with the formation of the Physics Education Study Program (Mona) and the Physics Study Program, concentrating on Electronics and Instrumentation (Riza).
Mona earned doctoral and master's degrees in Materials Physics at the Physics Department, at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. She has researched the topics of the Use of Indonesian Mussel Shells as a Basic Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering, Dental Caries Application, and Bone Implant and has produced 17 international publications indexed by Scopus and WoS. Apart from that, during his doctoral studies, she had the opportunity to take part in a semester internship program at BBT, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain through the Biotune Project (European Union's Horizon 2020). In the future, her research will focus on the fabrication of biomedical products made from biogenic materials from Indonesia which are integrated into the fields of biomedical physics, dental, and tissue engineering research. Mona completed her undergraduate studies with an S.Pd. in the Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teaching and Education (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, FKIP), Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang.
Meanwhile, Riza earned her doctoral degree in Optoelectronics at the Department of Applied Physics, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, and a master's degree in Materials Physics at the Department of Physics, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. She has researched the topics of spectroscopic ellipsometry, light-emitting diodes (LED) characterized by electric modulus spectroscopy, photodetector, and photocatalysts, and has produced 7 international publications indexed by Scopus and WoS. In the future, her research will focus on sensors that integrate research in the fields of materials, optoelectronics, signals, and instrumentation. Riza completed his undergraduate studies with an S.Pd. in the Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang.
With the arrival of these two new lecturers in the Department of Physics Education, hopefully, they can increase and improve the quality of education and teaching, research, and community service in the Department of Physics Education in producing superior, creative, and sustainably innovative young generations.
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