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Extended Family of Physics Education Department Expresses Deepest Condolences on the Death of Mr. Drs. Bambang Ruwanto, M.Si.

The extended family of the Department of Physics Education expresses its deepest condolences on the death of Mr. Drs. Bambang Ruwanto, M.Si, one of the lecturers at the Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UNY, on Friday, 12 2024 at 09.20 in Indonesian time at Panti Rapih Hospital, DIY. Drs. Bambang Ruwanto died at the age of 58 years, and he will be buried on Saturday, January 13 2024, at 13.00 WIB in Sentolo, Kulonprogo, DIY. May his deeds of worship be accepted by Allah SWT, all his sins and mistakes be forgiven, and the family left behind to be given the best possible patience and fortitude. Amin, Amin.
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