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UNY Students Win Gold and Special Awards at AISEEF 2021

The UNY team consisting of Febriani (Physics Education 2017), Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah (Physics Education 2018), Pramudya Wahyu Pradana (Physics Education 2017) and M Farhan Aziz (Electrical Engineering Education 2018) succeeded in achieving Gold in the Innovation Science and Malaysia categories. Invention, Innovation and Creativity Association (MIICA) Special Award at the 2021 Asean Innovative Science Environmental and Entrepreneur Fair (AISEEF) international research event which was announced on February 23 2021.
AISEEF is a creativity contest in the fields of science, environment and entrepreneurial innovation among students from Southeast Asian countries. This competition is divided into four categories, namely Entrepreneur, Social Science, Environmental Science, and Innovation Science.
The victory for the masterpiece entitled 'Enhancing the Light Quality of Night Lamp Using Carbon Dots from Cajuput Oil Industrial Waste' certainly cannot be separated from the guidance of Mr. Fika Fauzi, M. Sc. and Mr. Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Ph. D.. Not only that, this scientific paper research is the result of the development of the 70 Titles Student Creativity Program which was funded by FMIPA UNY. Hopefully this achievement can be a motivation for other students to continue researching. Viva UNY!
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