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Bachelor of Physics Study Program, Department of Physics Education, FMIPA, UNY ACCREDITED with "UNGGUL" Ranking

The Assessment of the Bachelor of Physics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, was conducted on 13-16 December, 2023 in the Faculty Meeting Room by a team of assessors from LAMSAMA. The assessors present were Prof. Dr. Tech. Marzuki, M. Sc. Eng. from Universitas Andalas , Padang and Prof. Nazli Ismail, M. Si., Ph.D from Universitas Syiah Kuala. Meanwhile, on December 28, 2023, LAMSAMA issued a decree determining the accreditation status of the Bachelor of Physics Study Program, Department of Physics Education, UNY with Status: Accredited, Accreditation Rank: UNGGUL with Score: 362.83. This Superior Accreditation Ranking was achieved, of course, by the Grace of God Almighty, full support from the leadership of FMIPA UNY and the Department of Physics Education, and also due to the hard work of the LAMSAMA accreditation form team for the Undergraduate Physics Study Program for approximately six months from the Preparation process to the Assessment. Hopefully, the results of this accreditation can motivate the entire academic community of the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY, to advance the Bachelor of Physics Study Program in the future to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the Bachelor of Physics Study Program in particular and the vision and mission of FMIPA and UNY in general to improve the quality of the achievements of the Tridharma of Higher Education which continues to have a broad impact on the quality of education, research and community service.
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