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Physics Education Study Program Students Win 3 Medals at the Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad

Congratulations, two physics teams under the guidance of Mr. Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Ph. D. won 3 medals in the 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad which was held offline at the Actuarial Department, ITS Surabaya. This international level event will be held on 14-17 December 2022 and will be attended by 634 teams from 17 countries in the world. With each gain, they are:
1. The 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad Gold Medal in the Waste Treatment category and the 2022 Macedonia Special Award Medal were won by the C-Mask Team consisting of Bian Itsna Ashfa Al Ashfiya (Physics B 2019), Aziz Muzaki (Physics Education C 2019), and Ghina Syifa Ufairah (Physics E 2020). This team carries out research on processing environmental waste into Cdots which are used as functional products.
2. The 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad Gold Medal in the Functional Food category was won by the Nano Team whose members were Arina Fauza Machshuniya (Physics B 2020), Duwi Susanto (Physics B 2020), Ilham Afrizal Akbar (Physics E 2020). This team carries out research on Graphene Oxide as a soil moisture sensor.
Both teams hope that the application of physics in everyday life can become more widespread in the future.
- Pusat Layanan Terpadu
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- Pusat Layanan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi
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- Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
- Lembaga Pengembangan dan Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan
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