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Training for the Padukuhan Sanggrahan Youth Organization as Companions for Elderly Farmers in the Application of Audio Bio Harmonic System (ABHS) Technology to Increase Food Crop Productivity
Submitted by admin on Mon, 2023-09-11 22:03The food security crisis is a problem that must be overcome currently due to population growth in Indonesia which continues to increase. One way to overcome the food security crisis is to increase productivity in the agricultural sector. In this case, farmers in rural areas are the main producers of staple foods, such as rice, corn, beans, vegetables, and others.
Physics Education Study Program Students Win 3 Medals at the Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2022-12-20 08:23Congratulations, two physics teams under the guidance of Mr. Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, Ph. D. won 3 medals in the 2022 Indonesia International Applied Science Project Olympiad which was held offline at the Actuarial Department, ITS Surabaya. This international level event will be held on 14-17 December 2022 and will be attended by 634 teams from 17 countries in the world. With each gain, they are:
Guest Lecture - Threats, Vulnerabilities, Disasters and Disaster Mitigation
Submitted by admin on Mon, 2022-12-12 08:23Monday 12 December 2022, the Physics Study Program held a Public Lecture with Alumni on the topic "Threats, Vulnerabilities, Disasters and Disaster Mitigation". This public lecture is aimed at students who take part in the Geophysics skills group, but not only that, other general students also have the opportunity to take part in this public lecture. In this public lecture, the material was delivered by alumni of the physics education study program, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Farid, M.S who is a professor in geophysics at Bengkulu University.
Successfully Making Nanomaterials, Physics Education Department Team Wins 2nd Place at UNYSEF
Submitted by admin on Mon, 2021-05-31 08:23The UNY Physics Department Team won 2nd place in the UNY Scientific Fair (UNNYSEF) Scientific Writing Competition, which was organized by the UNY Research Student Activity Unit (UKM-P). Please note that UNYSEF is an annual writing event held as a series of UNY Festival events. The team was chaired by Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah (Physics Education 2018) whose members were Bian Itsna Ashfa Al Ashfiya (Physics 2019) and Muhammad Rizki (Physics 2019).
Physics Education Department Team Wins MTQMN UNY
Submitted by admin on Sat, 2021-04-10 08:23Laatifah (Physics 2018) and Furi Ningsih Sri Sukowati (Physics Education 2018) managed to get 1st place in MTQ (Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran) UNY which was held on 26-27 February 2021 and 2nd place in MTQMN (National Student Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran) which was held on 3- April 4 2021. Please note that the MTQ event is organized internally by UNY, while MTQM is organized by UNY at the national level. The team guided by Mr. Khafidh Nur Aziz, M. Sc. This is superior to the 400 participants throughout Indonesia who took part in MTQMN.
Creating A Virtual Lab Application, UNY "Rebahan" Team Wins First Winner in The Loyalism LKTIN
Submitted by admin on Fri, 2021-03-26 08:23Physics education students consisting of Reno Nurdiyanto, Effendi Malik and Febriani with the team name "Rebahan" under the guidance of Dr.Pujianto, M. Pd. created the Light Wave Lab Virtual Application as a solution to distance learning (PJJ) problems in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This application is designed to create active learning and independent learning of physics on light wave material.
UNY Physics Education Department Team Wins 2nd Place in the 2021 LKTIN Chemistry Competition
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2021-03-16 08:23Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah (Physics Education 2018) and Bian Itsna A A (Physics 2019), who are part of the UNY Physics Education Department Team, won 2nd place in the Chemistry Competition (CeC) scientific writing competition on March 13 2021 yesterday. CeC is an annual competition organized by the Chemistry Student Association, FMIPA, UNY.
In this competition, Athi' and Bian competed in the final round against eleven teams from various universities in Indonesia, such as ITB, IPB, UB, Udayana, UNS, Unhas, and Jember State Polytechnic.
Athi', UNY Physics Department Student Wins 1st Place in the National Scientific Poster Competition at the XXVI UNP Chemistry Science Week
Submitted by admin on Sun, 2021-02-21 08:23Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah (Physics Education 2018) continues to gain achievements. Finally, Athi' won 1st place in the National Scientific Poster Competition at the XXVI Chemical Science Week (PIK) at Padang State University (UNP). This competition raises the main theme, namely: Millennial Generation Innovation in Facing the Pandemic
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