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Off-Campus Lecturer Activities - Yogyakarta Mulia Foundation Consortium

Apart from carrying out their duties on campus, lecturers also have a big responsibility to disseminate knowledge through a series of lecturer activities outside campus. One of the activities of lecturers at the FMIPA UNY physics study program is providing assistance to teachers in schools regarding the use of simulation learning media to prepare for the implementation of the independent curriculum in schools.
This activity was carried out as a form of collaboration with SMPIT/SMAIT Science Teachers under the auspices of the Yogyakarta Mulia Foundation (KYM) Consortium on Saturday, December 17 2022 with the theme "Improving Skills in Using Physics Simulation Learning Resources to Prepare for the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum for Physics/Science Teachers SMP/SMA IT Abu Bakar Yogyakarta" The activity which took place at the Grand Rohan Yogyakarta hotel was also a form of community service activity initiated by the Atomic and Nuclear Physics research group consisting of Dr. Restu Widiatmono, M.Si, Dr. Eng. Rida S.N. Mahmudah, M.Si., Dr. Kuncoro Asih Nugroho, M.Sc., and Dr. R. Yosi Aprian Sari, M.Sc.
There were two sessions in this activity, the first session discussed the independent curriculum and science learning strategies which were presented by Dr. Sabar Nurohman, M.Pd.Si, as a science learning expert. In this session, the presentation is aimed at technical matters that teachers need to master so that the implementation of the independent curriculum can be optimal. In the next session, the presentation was delivered by Dr. Restu Widiatmono, M.Sc. to discuss the use of physics learning resources, especially simulation media.
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