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Dr. Mona Sari Appears at the 2024 International Conference For Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences (ICIBEL)

Dr. Mona Sari is one of the Invited Speakers at the International Conference for Innovation in Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences (ICIBEL) 2024. ICIBEL 2024 is organized by the Center for Innovation in Medical Engineering (CIME), Universiti Malaya, in collaboration with the Malaysian Society of Medical and Biological Engineering (MSMBE), the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFBME, USA) and the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) UGM. This activity will be held on 22-23 September 2024 at the East Parc Hotel. Dr. Mona Sari, a Lecturer in the Department of Physics Education, is one of the Invited Speakers at the ICIBEL 2024 event. Dr. Mona Sari presented the topic of fabrication and characterization of bioceramic scaffolds based on Indonesian biogenic materials. This topic is the topic of Dr. Mona Sari's Dissertation which is supervised by Prof. Yusril Yusuf (Physics, FMIPA UGM) and Prof. Ika Dewi Ana (FKG UGM) and one of the topics of the Internship activity (which refers to global partnerships) conducted by Dr. Mona Sari at UPC Barcelona in 2022.
The participation of Lecturers in this International Conference is proof that the quality of education in the Department of Physics Education UNY is very good. It is hoped that students of the Department of Physics Education can be inspired and enthusiastic to conduct research, both educational research and pure research, and can improve their academic achievements while studying at the Department of Physics Education.
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