Visit to the Kartini Reactor

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 11 students and 2 lecturers from the Physics Study Program of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) visited the Kartini Reactor located under the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), formerly known as the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN). This visit aims to deepen understanding of nuclear technology in Indonesia, especially in the field of nuclear research related to energy and health. This activity was led by Dr. Eng. Rida Siti Nur’aini Mahmudah, M.Sc.


FMIPA UNY Holds the 9th International Seminar on Science, Environment and Education (ISSEE) 2024

FMIPA UNY held The 9th International Seminar in Sciences, Environment, and Education (ISSEE) 2024 on Thursday, 19/9/24 which took place in the faculty meeting room. The seminar presented speakers Dr. Nur Hidayah binti Ahmad from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Prof. Ahmad Qoblan from the United Arab Emirates University, Dr. Chatree Faikhamta from Kasetsart University, Thailand, and Prof. Ariswan, M. Si. from Yogyakarta State University. The opening remarks were delivered by Prof. Soni Nopembri, M.Pd., Ph.D. as the Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY.
