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Garut University FPIK Visit to FMIPA UNY: Building Academic Collaboration

Garut University FPIK Visit Reception
On December 6 2023, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Yogyakarta State University (UNY) welcomed a visit from the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training (FPIK) Garut University. This visit was attended by important officials from both faculties, including the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dr. Dadan Rosana, M.Sc., Deputy Dean for Research, Cooperation, Information Systems and Business Dr. Tien Aminatun, M.Si., Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance and Resources Dr. Pujianto, M.Pd., Head of the Physics Education Department, Prof. Heru Kuswanto, Chair of the Science Education Department, Prof. Dr. Insih Wilujeng, M.Pd, as well as lecturers from both departments and the FMIPA UNY Collaboration Unit. From FPIK Garut University, the visit was led by the Dean of FPIK Dr. Hj. Hilda Ainissyifa, M.Ag., together with the management of the Department of Physics Education and Science Education FPIK, as well as 40 FPIK students. This visit is an important step in strengthening academic relations and collaboration between the two faculties.
Signing of the Cooperation Agreement
The main event of this visit was the signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between FMIPA UNY and FPIK Garut University. This PKS covers various aspects of academic collaboration that will strengthen relations between the two institutions. This signing was carried out by high-ranking officials from both faculties, marking a joint commitment to advancing education and research. Apart from signing the PKS, this event also provided an opportunity for FMIPA UNY and FPIK Garut University students to chat, build networks and share experiences. Parallel to this, lecturers from the Departments of Science Education and Physics Education at both universities held discussions to explore opportunities for further collaboration.
Collaboration Implementation Plan
Collaboration between FMIPA UNY and FPIK Garut University will be implemented through various initiatives. One of them is holding keynote speakers from both universities at the National Seminar at Garut University which will discuss local wisdom. This will provide a platform for academics to share knowledge and experience in the local context. Apart from that, there will be guest lectures by lecturers from both universities, which will begin with sharing the curriculum and course descriptions. It aims to improve the quality of education and provide new perspectives for students. This collaboration also includes joint research and publications, which will strengthen the research foundations at both institutions. FMIPA UNY and FPIK Garut University also agreed to invite each other to submit articles in their respective journals and become reviewers. This step is expected to improve the quality of publications and expand the reach of research carried out by the two faculties.
Tour Around the UNY Campus
The visit of FPIK Garut University to FMIPA UNY ended with a tour around the Yogyakarta State University campus, guided by the Student Executive Board (BEM) FMIPA UNY. This tour provides an opportunity for guests from Garut University to explore the facilities and environment of the UNY campus, showing various aspects of campus life and academic activities that take place there. This activity not only strengthens relations between the two universities, but also provides insight and inspiration for FPIK Garut University students regarding campus life at UNY.
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