Training for the Padukuhan Sanggrahan Youth Organization as Companions for Elderly Farmers in the Application of Audio Bio Harmonic System (ABHS) Technology to Increase Food Crop Productivity

The food security crisis is a problem that must be overcome currently due to population growth in Indonesia which continues to increase. One way to overcome the food security crisis is to increase productivity in the agricultural sector. In this case, farmers in rural areas are the main producers of staple foods, such as rice, corn, beans, vegetables, and others.


Guest Lecture - Threats, Vulnerabilities, Disasters and Disaster Mitigation

Monday 12 December 2022, the Physics Study Program held a Public Lecture with Alumni on the topic "Threats, Vulnerabilities, Disasters and Disaster Mitigation". This public lecture is aimed at students who take part in the Geophysics skills group, but not only that, other general students also have the opportunity to take part in this public lecture. In this public lecture, the material was delivered by alumni of the physics education study program, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Farid, M.S who is a professor in geophysics at Bengkulu University.
