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Four PKM Teams of the Department Of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Achieved Achievements In the Competition of PKM AMLI 2023

Four PKM Teams of the Department Of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Achieved Achievements In the Competition of PKM AMLI 2023
The Student Creativity Program (PKM) of the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY, which participated in the 2023 Indonesian LPTK MIPA Association (AMLI) PKM Competition, succeeded in achieving brilliant achievements. The first team was chaired by Ni Kadek Nabila Panggangia (Physics E 2021) and members Putri Tria Sari (Physics E 2021), Muhammad Ramdhan Haikal Fikri (Physics B 2021), and Fadhilah Fitria Setyawati (Physics B 2020) with supervisor Wipsar Sunu Brams Dwandaru, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D won 1st place in the Exact Research PKM. The second team was chaired by Saadah Vidaroini (Physics Education A 2021) and consisted of Salwa Talitha Zabrina (Physics Education A 2021) and Taufiq Bayu Nur Rahmat (Physics Education A 2021) with supervisor Tsania Nur Diyana, S.Pd., M. Pd. managed to win 3rd place in the PKM Application of Science and Technology. The third team, with members Chela Junita (Physics Education C 2022) and Eliana Diah Puspita Arum (Physics B 2022), succeeded in winning 1st place in the Exact Research PKM. The fourth team, with member Listianingsih (Physics Education A 2020), succeeded in winning second place in the Social Humanities Research PKM.
The PKM Research Team-1 conducted research entitled "Utilizing Paper Waste into Recycled Organic Fiber Paper Based on Carbon Nanodots Based on Fruit Peel Waste." The PKM Implementation of Science and Technology team is carrying out a program with the title, "Application of Branding Strategy and Digital Marketing to Expand Marketing of Mantep Farmers Group Rice Products." The PKM Research team-2 conducted research with the title, "Making Edible Sugarcane Bagasse Film Using Glycerol Plasticizer as an Alternative to Rice Wrapping Paper." The PKM Social Humanities Research Team conducted research entitled "The Hustle Culture Phenomenon of Generation Z from the Viewpoint of the Philosophy of Life of the Javanese Alon-Alon Waton Kelakon Community."
The PKM AMLI 2023 Competition is a collaborative program organized by the Indonesian LPTK MIPA Association and Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED). The schemes contested at PKM Amli include PKM-R, PKM-K, PKM-PM, PKM-PI, PKM-VGK, and PKM GFT. AMLI 2023 PKM activities start from submitting proposals in June-July, implementing PKM in August-October, and final presentation on November 2, 2023, until the announcement of the winners on November 3, 2023.
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