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Physics Student Association (Hima Physics) FMIPA UNY Holds 2024 Friendship Forum (Fossil) Event

The 2024 Friendship Forum (Fossil) event was held by the Physics Student Association, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University (Hima Physics FMIPA UNY) on Thursday (24/10/2024) at 12.30-14.55 WIB. Fossil 2024 is implemented offline. The 2024 Fossil activity was attended by 8 physics lecturers, namely Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Sc., Dr. Yusman Wiyatmo, M.Si., Dr. Supardi, M.Si, Dr. Eng. Rida Siti Nur'aini Mahmudah, M.Si., Dyah Kurniawati Agustika, M.Sc. Ph.D., Dr. Mona Sari, S.Pd., M.Sc., Riza Ariyani Nur Khasanah, S.Pd., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Dr. Febrina Siska Widyaningtyas, S.Pd., M.Pd., and 62 students. This activity takes the theme "Open Dialogue: Building Synergy for Mutual Progress", with the aim of increasing synergy between the academic community in the Physics Education Department, FMIPA UNY.
The event began with an opening by two MCs, namely Alfatz Nurhanifsyah and Siti Salma Salsabila Putri Zahara, then continued with remarks from the Head of the Physics Association of FMIPA UNY 2024, namely Arif Rahman Hakim. Then the speech was continued by Prof. Dr. Heru Kuswanto, M.Si as Chair of the Physics Education Department, FMIPA UNY. In his speech, the Head of the FMIPA UNY Physics Association said that this event was held as a forum for discussion and a bridge between students and the Department of Physics Education, FMIPA UNY. The Chair of the Department of Physics, FMIPA UNY also said that he really supports the implementation of this Fossil.
The event continued with a discussion of topics regarding lectures guided by Faizun A'raffatah Mafazan, as moderator. The topics discussed in this event were taken from aspirations submitted through a questionnaire that had previously been distributed to students, as well as the results of interviews with lecturers, laboratory assistants and academic sub-divisions. There were three topics raised in this discussion, namely lectures, facilities and other complaints. In the first topic, issues regarding clarity regarding MBKM conversion and MBKM problems are discussed, clarity regarding PEM value provisions, and clarity regarding KKN, PK, and internships. The second topic discusses the provision of chairs and follow-up regarding damaged chairs, more places to fill water, construction of gazebos or study areas at FMIPA, the quality of Eduroam WiFi at FMIPA, improvement of bathroom facilities, and follow-up regarding the Siakad website which often has errors. Then the final topic discusses the issue of the semester between, lecturers who are less effective in delivering learning material, and the response from the department regarding lecturers who change class schedules suddenly.
As a legal entity university (PTNBH), UNY should be able to provide a comfortable learning environment for students. With the presence of fossils, it is hoped that lecturers and staff in the Physics department can create a comfortable learning environment and good quality of learning and administration. It is hoped that with a clear educational curriculum and increasingly better educational facilities and academic services, students' academic achievement will increase. Thus, the academic quality of graduates of the Physics and Physics Education undergraduate study programs will improve, so that graduates of the Physics and Physics Education undergraduate study programs can compete in the world of work.
After the discussion session was finished, the event closed with documentation or joint photos between lecturers and students. After holding this event, it is hoped that it can strengthen ties and improve communication between the academic community within the Physics Education Department, FMIPA UNY.
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